How to Reduce Stress During the Summer Holidays. Parent's Guide to a Balanced and Enjoyable Summer Holiday

Two kids under an umbrella on a sunny beach

Here are some tips on how to reduce stress during the summer holidays! By planning ahead, setting realistic work expectations, and prioritising self-care, you can create a more relaxed and enjoyable summer. Enjoy the journey and make lasting memories with your family!

As a mum to a busy five year old I know that the summer holidays can be a fun but challenging time for parents. Balancing work, childcare, and family activities can often lead to stress. Whilst comparing ourselves on social media to other parents can lead to guilt and a sense of pressure to make every second fun.

However, with a few simple strategies, you can reduce stress and enjoy a more relaxed summer. Here are some tips on how to reduce stress during the summer holidays:

1) Plan Ahead for Each Week

One of the best ways to reduce stress during the summer holidays is to plan ahead. Organise your schedule by planning your whereabouts, arranging childcare, and even deciding on meals in advance. A weekly planner can help you stay on top of things and minimise last-minute stress.

2) Set Realistic Expectations at Work

Avoid overcommitting yourself at work. Be realistic about what you can accomplish during the summer holidays and communicate these expectations with your colleagues. This helps prevent work-related stress and ensures you can balance your responsibilities effectively.

3) Clearly Define Your Working Hours

To reduce stress, make your work availability clear in your diary. Indicate when you are and aren't available, so colleagues know when they can reach you. This helps you switch off from work and focus on family time, reducing stress during the summer holidays.

4) Disconnect Completely on Days Off

When you're off work, make an effort to disconnect completely. Resist the urge to check emails or handle work tasks on your days off. Whether you're enjoying a day out with the family or having a quiet day at home, focus on having fun and relaxing.

5) Prioritise Self-Care

Self-care is crucial for reducing stress during the summer holidays. Set aside at least 15 minutes each day for activities that help you relax and recharge, whether that's reading a book, taking a bath, or going for a walk.

A calendar showing it's page for August, next to a candle, diffuser and small plant. It looks serene and inviting.

6) Share Household Responsibilities

To avoid feeling overwhelmed, share household responsibilities. Assign roles to each family member, including children, so you're not carrying the entire load yourself. This not only reduces stress but also fosters a sense of teamwork within the family.

7) Utilise Holiday Camps

Holiday camps are a great way to keep children entertained and reduce stress for parents. Look for low-cost options that offer a variety of activities. Kids will enjoy the new experiences and social interactions, while you get some time to focus on other things.

8) Don’t Feel Guilty About Screen Time

It's perfectly fine to use screen time to manage stress and keep children occupied. Whether it's a movie or video games, screen time can provide a needed break for both you and your kids, especially after a busy day.

9) Encourage Reading with Library Challenges

Libraries often offer summer reading challenges, which are a great way to distract children from screens and encourage a love of reading. This can be a fun and educational way to keep them engaged during the holidays.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce stress during the summer holidays and create a more enjoyable experience for your family. Remember, the goal is to find a balance that allows you to enjoy quality time together while managing your other responsibilities.

10) Don’t put pressure on yourself and release any guilt!

Parents often feel pressure to give their children a ‘perfect’ summer holiday or comparing themselves with other’s social media leaves them feeling guilty or inadequate. The truth is that there is no ‘perfect’ and what you see on social media is a polished version of what is really happening. Whether you are working every day of the holidays or are taking time off, do what is right for you and stop comparing yourself to others. You are doing your best and that is more than enough!

A little girl at a kitchen table with a Dr Seuss book called 'Hop on Pop'. She looks absorbed and calm.

If you are experiencing stress or burnout, then my Stress Management Coaching could really help you to find balance! Sessions are £60 for on hour, just get in touch to get started!


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